Who we are
We're diverse and unique.
Kansas Professional Communicators is the only statewide organization of women and men representing the full spectrum of communication professionals. We are reporters, publishers and editors; public relations and advertising professionals; freelancers; website creators; journalism professors and teachers; photographers; entrepreneurs and consultants.
We are patrons who financially support scholarships. We are new to our careers, seasoned professionals and retired.
Our mission
We are diverse, yet united in our purpose:
• to promote the highest standards in communication practices and ethics
• to foster professional development and the exchange of ideas
• to help each other and the next generation of professionals realize their goals
• to actively protect our First Amendment and Freedom of Information rights
80 Years and counting
An affiliate of the National Federation of Press Women (NFPW), KPC was founded as Kansas Press Women in 1941 by female pioneers in the profession who wanted to create a forum to support each other and exchange ideas.
In the parlance of the day, membership was open to “factual writers.” Through the decades, membership has spread to all corners of the state and expanded to include men as well as those working in all areas of communications. Our outstanding state affiliate has produced three presidents of National Federation of Press Women.
In response to changing times and to better reflect our diverse membership, Kansas Press Women became Kansas Professional Communicators in 2002.
Connecting with members
Despite geographical distances, we maintain active contact with each other through our annual spring conference, professional workshops award-winning newsletter and one-on-one networking!
The Wichita Professional Communicators chapter schedules monthly lunch-hour meetings with guest speakers.
KPC Board
Elected and appointed officers serve two-year terms with elections held during the spring conference in even-numbered years.
Board of Directors 2020-22
President: Amy Geiszler-Jones, Wichita
Vice President of Membership: Madeline McCullough, Wichita
Vice President of Bylaws: Monica Springer, Dodge City
Secretary: Wendy Skellenger, Hutchinson
Treasurer: Becky Funke, Goddard
COA co-coordinators: Cheryl Miller & Angie Prather, Wichita
Contest coordinator: Gwen Larson, Americus
WPC representative: Darcy Gray, Andale